

le Prieuré de Sion (Rectifé) , has at its helm a Nautonnier, or Grand Master. He is so, by ipso facto, due to receiving the highest transmission, (Nautonier 9°), in the South of France from the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Only a Nautonier, or Grand Master can make another Nautionier or 9° there can only be one Nautonier, with the exception of those holding the Honoris Causa 9°.

Following the 9°, our Nautonier, at a later date received his Nautonier’s Patent; influenced by an older “Classical” stream of the le Prieuré de Sion, differing from that which is in the modern domain. Originally it stated that he would have been known as “Rex” or “King” as well as “Unknown Superior” of the Priory. By ancient tradition he was, and is still “Unknown” as penned in the copy of his Ancient Patent written on goat’s skin parchment, complete with wax seals of the Priory; the original being issued centuries before which has been held in custodial hands throughout the centuries.

Near the end of the Nautonier’s Patent, it states;
“Any Rex (King) shall hold this Patent, in order of his heir, as conquer” etc etc.
The Priory still adheres to a strict Observance of secrecy concerning the revealing of its Nautonier and members’ names, even to the point of denial as illustrated by Nautonier Pierre Plantard 9° and later his son, the proceeding Grand Master Thomas Plantard 9°.

The successive Grand Master who followed them, adopted the time honoured custom of returning to being an “Unknown Superior” this has ultimately resulted in a proliferation of other Priories, some of whose lineage is therefore as can be imagined; complex.

Our Nautonier has added “Rectifé” or “Rectified” to the title of “le Prieuré de Sion” or in English “Priory of Sion”, due in part, to what might be described as a modern “Splitting of the Elm”; each Priory of Sion destined to sail its own voyage.
It can be observed that all Priories have now metamorphosed from the original of 1956. In light of the ambiguity of the two lists of Grand masters written by former Grand master Pierre Plantard, it has therefore been decreed that “Jean I” or “Johnn 1” is the most appropriate and transparent use of title in 2020 for our Priory.

The structure of the le Prieuré de Sion (Rectifé) is from the top down as follows;

Arch Kyria (Equivalent to Grand Lodge)
Nautonier/Grand Master (1)
(Grand) Sénéchaux (3)
(Grand) Connétables (9)
All members of “Arch Kyria” hold 8° or 9° (Honoris Causa).
Degrees 7°-9° are worked.
Provinces (Provincial Commandaries)
Degrees 1°-6° can be worked.
Commanderies (larger units)
1°-5° can be worked.
Chapters (Small units)
Degrees 1°-4° are worked.


Colleges are places for Postulants to present papers. They receive spiritual and theoretical instruction and have the opportunity for self-exploration and spiritual development.